MGMT 451W: Business, Ethics, and Society
- Ethical decision-making frameworks (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Common ethical issues in organizations (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Managing for ethical conduct (Interpersonal/Relational – Social intelligence)
- Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management (Leadership/Influence; Understanding the Business Environment)
- Managing ethics across global contexts (Culture)
Skills & Abilities
- Ethical awareness and leading ethically (Interpersonal/Relational - Self-awareness; Leadership/Influence)
- Analyzing dilemmas: Applying ethical decision-making frameworks (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Organizational ethical culture audit (Culture)
- Analyzing socially responsible/irresponsible conduct (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Analyzing dilemmas: ethical (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)