Advising Services

Information on undergraduate advising services offered by the Penn State Smeal College of Business.

To help you pursue your academic goals, select courses, and navigate the world of Penn State and Smeal, a professional academic adviser will be assigned to you in time for your first-year arrival on campus. Ideally, you will work with the same adviser until after graduation.

In addition to your adviser, there are a number of services offered by the college to help guide you through your undergraduate experience:

  • Smeal Undergraduate Advising Center: A key resource during your time as a Smeal undergraduate, the center houses your academic adviser and is responsible for helping you to navigate orientation to the college, major exploration and selection, course scheduling, and degree requirements. The center also houses our International Programs and Diversity Enhancement Programs offices.           
  • Smeal Student Mentors: Every first-year student is assigned a student mentor—a student who can be used as a resource to help you navigate transitioning to campus academically, socially, personally, and professionally.
  • Faculty Mentor: When you enter a major, you will also be assigned a faculty mentor who will give guidance on major-specific academic planning, graduate school, and career decisions.