MGMT 445: Managing Workplace Diversity
- Socialized biases and prejudices in the workplace (Culture)
- Cognitive biases: decision making (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Organizational approaches to managing diverse cultures (Culture; Managerial Functions)
- Bystander interventions for micro-aggressions (Interpersonal – Conflict Management)
- Team-level approaches to managing diversity (Teamwork/Collaboration)
- Inclusive leadership strategies (Leadership/Influence)
- Inter-group relations (Interpersonal/Relational –Emotional & Social intelligence)
- Inclusive decision-making frameworks (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
Skills & Abilities
- Self-awareness of bias and privilege (Interpersonal/Relational - Self-awareness)
- Analyzing dilemmas: diversity (Ethical, Inclusive, Strategic, & Sustainable Thinking)
- Empathy and perspective-taking across differences (Interpersonal/Relational -Emotional intelligence & Social intelligence; Culture)
- Inclusive team building (Teamwork/Collaboration)
- Implementation of personal diversity mission and action plan (Interpersonal/Relational - Self-awareness)
- Developing inclusive organizational practices (Leadership/Influence; Culture)
- Diversity management practices evaluation (Managerial Functions)